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Tweet me: What are some of the best marketing strategies for start-ups with a limited marketing budget?
- Be sure you have a visually appealing brand
- Connect to the specific social sites (Google+, Facebook (product), Twitter, LinkedIn (website)) your industry feeds through.
- Serve them through Buffer – allowing for maximum differentials from minimum interaction (on your part).
- Add automated personal interactions through a free service connector like IFTTT or Zapier
- Use Hootsuite or advanced search on twitter to find your customers stream.
- Create an faq/solutions support portal (Freshdesk) to aid with additional seo benefits (3+ months from now).
- Add a Blogs (Quora feature) to your online presence, you can increase your automation with Buffer here again.
- Use an elaborate Google Hangouts strategy to supercharge your marketing efforts as explained by Ryan Steinolfson –
- Get your business connected with a Nexus and Android Wear for a 24/7 picture of your online actions and reactions.