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What are some of the best marketing strategies for start-ups with a limited marketing budget?

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Tweet me: What are some of the best marketing strategies for start-ups with a limited marketing budget?

  1. Be sure you have a visually appealing brand

    showcase imagery google+ cover social SI2014

    showcase imagery google+ cover social SI2014

  2. Connect to the specific social sites (Google+, Facebook (product), Twitter, LinkedIn (website)) your industry feeds through.
  3. Serve them through Buffer  –  allowing for maximum differentials from minimum interaction (on your part).
  4. Add automated personal interactions through a free service connector like IFTTT or Zapier
  5. Use Hootsuite or advanced search on twitter to find your customers stream.
  6. Create an faq/solutions support portal (Freshdesk) to aid with additional seo benefits (3+ months from now).
  7. Add a Blogs (Quora feature) to your online presence, you can increase your automation with Buffer here again.
  8. Use an elaborate Google Hangouts strategy to supercharge your marketing efforts as explained by Ryan Steinolfson
  9. Get your business connected with a Nexus and Android Wear for a 24/7 picture of your online actions and reactions.